CS Germany Schraubenfedern GmbH
Booth number: B115
About us
Besides coil springs from its own production, CS-Germany© also uses its LS-Germany© label to distribute leaf springs by other distinguished manufacturers.
For Transporter, Pick-ups/Passenger cars and Light Commercial Vehicles. Over 4000 types – from multiple leaf springs and parabolic leaf springs to leaf springs made of steel or fibreglass-reinforced plastics and accessories – manufactured in OEM quality according to DIN standards.
CS-Germany© delivers all its leaf springs ready for assembly and with all necessary accessories such as bushes, rubber buffers and such like.
Batheyer Str. 119
58099 Hagen
Phone: +49 2331 3675712
Contact person:
Eckhard Lange
E-mail: el@coil-springs.de
Phone: +49 2331 367570
Saulius Liesis
Sales manager
E-mail: saulius.liesis@gmail.com
Phone: +370 699 21849
Eckhard Lange
E-mail: el@coil-springs.de
Sales Manager Saulius Liesis
E-mail: saulius.liesis@gmail.com
Products & Services
Coil - and Leaf Springs for Transporter, Pick-ups/Passenger cars and Light Commercial Vehicles
Coil springs
Automobile suspension springs by CS-Germany© – Coil spring manufacturing in OEM quality with 10 years product guarantee. CS-Germany© produces and distributes over 3,400 spring types for more than 44,000 applications: Coil springs/cylindrical springs, optimised miniblock springs, side load springs (banana-springs), C springs.
Leaf springs
Leaf springs – for Bedford to Volkswagen
Besides coil springs from its own production, CS-Germany© also uses its LS-Germany© label to distribute leaf springs by other distinguished manufacturers. For Transporter, Pick-ups/Passenger cars and Light Commercial Vehicles. Over 4000 types – from multiple leaf springs and parabolic leaf springs to leaf springs made of steel or fibreglass-reinforced plastics and accessories – manufactured in OEM quality according to DIN standards. CS-Germany© delivers all its leaf springs ready for assembly and with all necessary accessories such as bushes, rubber buffers and such like.
Leaf springs made of fibreglass-reinforced plastic in OEM quality, exclusively for Europe from CS-Germany©!